Dan White wrote:
I find that I have at least 3 versions of Python on my system.

2 under /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions (2.3 and 2.5) and one under /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions (2.7)

Going from Terminal, I get 2.7
Running a script in Scribus, I get 2.3

I found info that says the /System/Library/Frameworks are part of the OS installation and that it should not be messed with.

OK.  But how do I get everything to use 2.7 ?

you probably can't with one way !

using the Terminal, which is used depends on your $PATH variable, which is set up in your .bash_profile file, which I think gets auto-modified by the python installer.

As for Scribus, you'll have to look at the Scribus docs to see how you can set which interpreter it uses.

I don't know anything about Python in Scribus, but off the top of my head, I'd expect that which version of python it used would be set at build time. Python 2.3 was delivered with OS-X 10.4 -- perhaps your scribus binary was set up to use that?


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