In article 
 Chris Weisiger <> wrote:
> I want to sanitize some strings (e.g. escape apostrophes, spaces, etc.)
> before passing them to the commandline via subprocess. Unfortunately I can't
> seem to find any built-in function to do this. Am I really going to have to
> write up my own sanitizer? Not that it'd be much effort, but I'd much rather
> use an official function than risk forgetting something.

The subprocess doc show how to use shlex to parse a shell-like command 
string.  I'm not sure I understand your use case but is there a reason 
you can't use 'shell=False' and set up the arguments yourself, thus 
avoiding the need for escapes?  Even if you really need to have a shell 
execute the string, you should be able to set up the arguments and call 
the shell directly.

 Ned Deily,

Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

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