On 1/18/11 2:47 PM, Mier, Alejandro wrote:
I modified the included distutils files, and managed to get this stack trace

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "distutils/dist.py", line 837, in get_command_class
     __import__ (module_name)
   File "distutils/command/install.py", line 21, in<module>
     from site import USER_BASE
cannot import name USER_BASE

The site.py included in the bundle has this comment: This is stripped down and 
customized for use in py2app applications

So apparently, py2app is removing USER_BASE and USER_SITE from site.py. I am 
not sure why it does that, but it is preventing the installation of modules 
with py2app.

I worked around it by modifying the included site.py to declare USER_BASE and 
USER_SITE after generating the .app bundle.

I think this might be a bug in py2app, but would like to know your input on 

I don't think it's a bug -- you may have some problems with this. I'm not sure I quite get what distutils is doing with USER_BASE and USER_SITE, but I suspect that they are using them to figure out where to install stuff. That should be a function of the python you are installing to. A py2app bundle isn't usually installing stuff into itself.

How are you using distutils in this case? Are you installing stuff into the app bundle? Or into a system python? If a system python, you should probably use the system python's distutils (and thus its site.py) to do the work.

If you are installing into the app bundle (cool idea!), then you'll need to make sure that USER_BASE and USER_SITE are set correctly at run time for where the user happens to have put the py2app bundle.


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