On 3/1/11 1:58 PM, Christopher Barker wrote:

When I look at the one in :

(which I got from a wxPython binary), I get:

$ cat libwx_macud-2.8.0.dylib | strings | grep ABI
2.8 (debug,Unicode,compiler with C++ ABI 102,wx containers,compatible
with 2.6)
2.8 (debug,Unicode,compiler with C++ ABI 1002,wx containers,compatible
with 2.6)

One more note:

I just took a look at an app bundle I recently built with wx -- it has the right ABI versions. This is with:

Python 2.6.6 (from Python.org)
wxPython (from wxpython.org)

So it can be done.


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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