2011/3/4 Ned Deily <n...@acm.org>:
> In article
> <AANLkTimTQwMsKAp4kqR_By4SB4YNYX2kpHJT6XPuth=m...@mail.gmail.com>,
>  André Sintzoff <andre.sintz...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> 2011/3/4 Aahz <a...@pythoncraft.com>:
>> > On Fri, Mar 04, 2011, Andr? Sintzoff wrote:
>> >>
>> >> The application is created with:
>> >> $ python setup.py py2app --use-pythonpath
>> >>
>> >> Unfortunately, when
>> >> $ open ./dist/TortoiseHg.app/Contents/MacOS/TortoiseHg
>> >> the following message is displayed
>> >> ImportError:
>> >> '/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/lib
>> >> -dynload/mercurial/osutil.so'
>> >> not found
>> >>
>> >> I'm wondering why the application searches modules in
>> >> /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework and not in the bundle just
>> >> created where the files are available.
>> >
>> > You need to download from python.org; using the built-in Python causes
>> > py2app to behave differently.
>> I just tried to install MacPython
>> (http://pythonmac.org/packages/py25-fat/dmg/python-2.5-macosx.dmg)
> Is there a reason you need to use a very out-of-date Python 2.5?   More
> recent released installers are available here:
> http://python.org/download/
> For maximum compatibility, stick to one of the 32-bit-only 10.3+
> installers, say, for python2.7.

For compatibility reasons (TortoiseHg aims to run on Python 2.4 like
Mercurial), I would like to remain on a old Python version to be sure
the code does not use any new functionality.
I never took the time to see if there is some Python static code
analyzer able to ensure that a code is Python 2.4 compliant.

>> Unfortunately, I have some issues regarding paths...
>> I got the following import error when launching my application:
>> ImportError: No module named PyQt4.uic.Compiler
>> I'm afraid to have done something modifying sys.path but I don't see what.
> After installing the new Python, you'll need to install a copy of
> easy_install for it (either setuptools or Distribute) and then
> re-install any other 3rd-part packages that you need, like py2app and
> PyQt.

Thanks for this reminder. I forget it.

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