I have a calculation which runs via a method of a class.  It is trivially 
parallelizable.  The method is just called over and over with different 
arguments. No communication, synchronization, or cooperation is needed between 
the function calls. But it is highly computational and I want to speed it all 
up.  I discovered the multiprocessing module and the use of Pool.  So my 
was to do something like this,

import multiprocessing as MP
class mainclass(object):
def aMethod(x):
# do stuff with x
return result
pool= MP.Pool(processes= 3)  # 3 CPU workers, for example
theargs= [x1,x2,x3]
resultlist= pool.map(myclass.aMethod, thargs)

But as many of you probably know that raises a pickle error.  I did a little 
research and don't fully understand, but I thought of a way around this that is 
pedestrian, but it works on my toy example. I just make (deep) copies of my 
object and let a helper function call mainclass'  aMethod. So I change the code 
(after my class definition) to,

import copy
def helperFunc(a):
return a[0].aMethod(a[1])
pool= MP.Pool(processes= 3)  # 3 CPU workers
theargs= [[copy.deepcopy(myclass),x1],[copy.deepcopy(myclass),x2], \
resultlist= pool.map(helperFunc, thargs)

My question (subject of this post):  Is this reasonable?  Not whether it's the 
best or most efficient, but does it go most of the way in this situation to 
me much more speedup?

Further question, on an 8 CPU MacBook Pro I get a 4X speedup (with 8 CPU 
workers), not 8X (Activity Monitor shows all 8 CPUs are utilized ~100%).  Is 
there something about dual core processors that I should know about? (since 4 = 

Thanks for any pointers or info. -- Lou Pecora,   my views are my own.

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