Donovan Parks wrote:
I'm using py2app 0.6.3 with python2.6, PyQt4, numpy, etc. obtained via

The entire design of macports is based on users building what they need on the machine it is running on.

As a result, it does NOT make it easy to build stuff that will run on other machines, particularly older versions of the OS.

You may be able to get it all to work, but I suspect it will be a bit fragile as ports are updated.

So I'd either:

Build everything on the oldest OS you want to support.


Keep away from MacPorts for stuff you want to py2app (I'm surprized it works all, actually! ) The builds are easy to use, install, and what py2app is mostly targeting and most tested with. I"m not sure of the state of binaries for pyQT, but they have certainliy existed in the past, and numpy is no problem.


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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