On 9/16/11 8:37 PM, Hyeonseung I wrote:
I`m trying to make an app bundle via py2app from a project using wxPython and 
it`s pub feature.
But there is a problem whenever running the app.

In my code, Publisher is imported as:
from wx.lib.pubsub import Publisher as pub


But when I run the app, error message is in a console:
ImportError: cannot import name Publisher

Publisher is an instance of wx.lib.pubsub.pub.PublisherClass
In other word, Publisher is NOT a module.
But in the app bundle, python try to regard 'Publisher' as module. WHY?

pubsub does some odd things in this regard.

There was a recent thread on the wxPython mailing list about this issue -- I think the pubsub author came up with a patch. In that case it was y2exe, but It's likely to be the same issue

You can also try the pubsub list.


So, I tried to change my code:
import wx.lib.pubsub as ppp
pub = ppp.Publisher
pub.subscribe(self.OnImageUpdated, 'image.updated')

In this case, error massage is like this:
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'Publisher'

What`s the problem?

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