> The only editra I could find was <http://editra.org/> which is an editor, I 
> don't know why that gets copied into your application. How did you install 
> Editra, did you use the binary DMG on the website, or did you install from 
> source?

Editra is shipped with wxPython -- so it may have snuck in that way.

But I agree with Kevin, while the more we can clean this up with
py2app, it's an imperfect system -- I"ve generally ended with some
custom code to clean things out a bit after a build -- I write mine in
Python, and put it at the end of the setup.py, but the idea is the


> I don't know what "Locales" is at all. Is there a python package on  your 
> system that is named "Locales"?
>> So, how could I remove these itens from my app?
>> I tried the 'excludes' option in py2app setup.py, but without any luck.
> That this didn't work for matplotlib is expected, a py2app recipe for 
> matplotlib overrides your exclude option.
>> Also, what are those "codecs" in lib-dynload? I have no idea what they are.
> The codecs are the stdlib support for translating between bytestrings and 
> unicode in various encodings.  These are implicitly imported when you use the 
> codecs module (either directory or through somestring.decoe("encoding").  
> Py2app cannot detect if you do this and therefore conservatively includes all 
> encodings just in case they are needed.  Adding a way to specify which 
> encodings should be included would be nice, I'm not sure when I'll get around 
> to implementing this.
>> my setup.py follows. (BTW, I tried to run it without any reference to
>> 'wx' but then
>> the app crashes)
> Can you reproduce this using a smaller example?
> BTW. Are you trying to package this OpenStereo: 
> http://www.igc.usp.br/index.php?id=openstereo. If so, I can try to reproduce 
> the issue on my machine.
> Ronald
>> many thanks
>> Carlos
>> from setuptools import setup
>> from glob import glob
>> import shutil
>> shutil.rmtree("build", ignore_errors=True)
>> shutil.rmtree("dist", ignore_errors=True)
>> APPNAME = 'OpenStereo'
>> APP = ['resources/OpenStereo.py']
>> VERSION = '0.1.2g' # must be in X.X.X format
>> DATA_FILES = ['license/gpl-3.0.txt'] #[glob(r'resources/*')]
>> OPTIONS = {
>>            'plist':dict(
>>            CFBundleName                = 'OpenStereo',
>>            CFBundleShortVersionString  = VERSION,
>>            CFBundleVersion             = VERSION,
>>            CFBundleGetInfoString       = 'OpenStereo, Open-Source
>> Structural Geology Analysis',
>>            CFBundleExecutable          = 'OpenStereo',
>>            CFBundleIdentifier          = "br.usp.igc",
>>            NSHumanReadableCopyright    = 'Carlos H. Grohmann'),
>>            'argv_emulation': True,
>>            'optimize': 1,
>>            'compressed': True,
>>            'strip': True,
>>            'semi_standalone': False,
>>            'packages': ['wx'],
>>            'dylib_excludes': ['Tcl.framework','Tk.framework'],
>>            'resources': ['icons/openstereo_icon_noname_256x256x32.png'],
>>            'iconfile': 'icons/openstereo_icon_noname.icns',
>>            }
>> setup(
>>    app=APP,
>>    data_files=DATA_FILES,
>>    options={'py2app': OPTIONS},
>>    setup_requires=['py2app'],
>> )
>> --
>> Prof. Carlos Henrique Grohmann - Geologist D.Sc.
>> Institute of Geosciences - Univ. of São Paulo, Brazil
>> ---
>> http://www.igc.usp.br/pessoais/guano
>> http://digitalelevation.wordpress.com/
>> http://lattes.cnpq.br/5846052449613692 (CV)
>> ---
>> Twitter: @CarlosGrohmann
>> http://carlosgrohmann.tumblr.com/
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