On 3 May, 2012, at 14:28, Jonathan Kossick wrote:

> Hello, my problem is kind of weird.
> As long as I run my PyQt application in IDLE everything works great but when 
> I build an app by using py2app the gui doesn' t start.
> I already did a little bit debugging but apparently the application crashes 
> when I want do show the gui (main.show()). The application just stops and 
> there is no useful message ...
> If i make a really short application which just starts the gui then 
> everything works fine. My application is really big wherefore I dont know 
> where to search the problem first. Why does the problem just appeal if I 
> build the app and not if i start it in IDLE? Where can I start to search the 
> problem?
> Any ideas? Unfortunately I cant give more informations ...

You can start the application from the command line and that might give you 
some more clues. The way to do that for "HelloWorld.app" is to run  
"HelloWorld.app/Contents/MacOS/HelloWorld" as a normal shell command in the 
terminal application.  Any error messages that get printed during startup are 
now shown in the terminal window.


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