On 5/4/12 3:32 AM, Ronald Oussoren wrote:
--semi-standalone without --site-packages should result in a build that doesn't 
access your site-packages directory (and that includes 
/Library/Frameworks/Python). The Apple provided bits are considered part of the 
stdlib for this (twisted, pyobjc, ...) because they cannot be copied into the 
application bundle.

How do I make sure that binary packages from my site-packages directory are copied into (and found) in the app bundle, in lib-dyload? When I try a semi-standalone build and use the --site-packages flag, my app looks in /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework for the modules, and the app crashes. Poking around in the list archives, it seems that this type of configuration for py2app (semi-standalone but using some packages from the site-packages dir) is a bit delicate, though my research hasn't been comprehensive. What are the best practices here?

I'm getting quite frustrated with the app store's brain dead auto-scan tool that doesn't see proper symlinks in the framework, and I'm getting to the point where I am going to investigate other packaging tools that don't set up a framework structure--cx_freeze and/or pyinstaller. No blame to py2app here, of course. I appreciate your advice and support.


Kevin Walzer
Code by Kevin
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