Hello All! This is my first time using this mailing list yay!
I am having a problem building Python 2.7 for my quad G5 PowerMac, and I was 
wondering if anyone has any experience doing this? I don't want a 32-bit build, 
because I have 8 gigs of RAM I want to be able to use. My os is Mac OS x 
10.5.8, and I have Xcode 3.1 installed. I tried to build and install like this:

./configure --enable-framework --enable-universalsdk=/ 
make install

This installed python, supposedly, but didn't build tkinter or sqlite3, and 
lots of other stuff didn't build all the way. What should I do

 to get this to install correctly? are their other libraries I need to install 
first? Has anyone successfully built python 2.7 for ppc64? 

Thanks for the help!

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