On Jul 9, 2012, at 7:46 PM, Ed Pataky wrote:

> i have a mac where i installed python, and tornado web server .. i used 
> py2app and created an executable which wraps my tornado kickoff script into 
> an executable .. works ok sometimes, but i am confused about a couple things: 
> 1) when i run the app, since it is essentially a command line script with no 
> GUI, i see nothing, although i is running ... how can i create the  app so 
> that it opens the terminal and shows the output?

Strictly speaking you can't without a lot of extra trouble - BUT any print 
statements in your script will be logged to the system log and is then easily 
viewable in the Console app in your Utilities folder.

> 2) sometimes it gets blocked by the firewall and sometimes it does not .. i 
> have manually gone in and added it to he allowed list in the firewall, then 
> as soon as it tries to open a port, the firewall blocks it ... i am not sure 
> how i did it but i got it work a few times, then sometimes it is blocked .. 
> how can i make sure when i run the app, it has full permission without having 
> to mess with the firewall setting ... for example, is there an admin option 
> when making the executable?

Could you be a little more specific here - are you opening a port to listen for 
incoming sessions or are you trying to open an outbound session?  Also, exactly 
which version of the OS are you running?  Apple has been locking things down 
more and more in the progression from 10.6 to 10.7.


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