I am trying to package up a mixed Python/C++ application using py2app.
My setup.py is

    from setuptools import setup

and I invoke py2app via

    python setup.py py2app --no-strip --iconfile
/Users/irving/otherlab/other/bin/OLicon.icns --resources

This completes without warnings or errors, but when I try to run the
resuling app a window pops up that simply says "voxpopuli Error". It
has an "Open Console" button, but the only console messages are

    9/21/12 11:43:14.691 AM voxpopuli[52765]: voxpopuli Error
    9/21/12 11:43:15.926 AM com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[158]:
([0x0-0x177d77c].org.pythonmac.unspecified.voxpopuli[52765]) Exited
with code: 255

Are there standard ways to get more information out of py2app to help
diagnosing this error?

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