On 26 Dec, 2012, at 5:33, "Berg, Stuart" <be...@janelia.hhmi.org> wrote:

> Greetings,
> I'm new to PyObjC, but it looks great.  I can run basic examples, but the 
> ScreenSaver example in the docs doesn't seem to work on 10.7:
> http://packages.python.org/pyobjc/examples/ScreenSaver/SillyBallsSaver/index.html
> Someone on stack overflow seems to be having the same trouble as me:
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7821589/compile-64-bit-mac-app-with-py2app
> But I don't think that 32-bit vs. 64-bit is the issue. (I'm able to run 
> non-screensaver examples…)
> Does anyone know if the ScreenSaver framework pyobjc wrappers are still 
> supported for OS 10.7?

The screensaver framework should work just fine, but only if the bundle 
contains 64-bit code.

What is the output of 'file SillyBalls.saver/Contents/MacOS/SillyBalls' ?

On my (OSX 10.8) machine this says:

$ file dist/SillyBalls.saver/Contents/MacOS/SillyBalls 
dist/SillyBalls.saver/Contents/MacOS/SillyBalls: Mach-O universal binary with 2 
dist/SillyBalls.saver/Contents/MacOS/SillyBalls (for architecture i386):        
Mach-O bundle i386
dist/SillyBalls.saver/Contents/MacOS/SillyBalls (for architecture x86_64):      
Mach-O 64-bit bundle x86_64

This binary also works when I load it in System Preferences (at least, the 
preview does, I haven't waited long enough yet to check if it also works when 
the screensaver kicks in).

> By the way, I'm using Xcode 4.5.2.  I know that Xcode 4 threw a wrench in 
> some aspects of pyobjc.  Is this an example of that?

I don't think so. This is most likely a 32-bit vs. 64-bit issue.

I'm using a custom 32-bit/64-bit build of Python 2.7 (from the python.org 
repository), pyobjc from the pyobjc repository and the most recent release of 
py2app, all of this running on OSX 10.8.

Which versions of python, pyobjc, and py2app do you use (and for the python 
versions, is this the apple provided one or some other install)?


> Thanks,
> Stuart
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