On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 11:28 PM, Ronald Oussoren <ronaldousso...@mac.com> wrote:
> Packagemaker should't be problem here, although the build procedure might
> be problematic: IIRC the app bundle contains symlinks where the target
> is an absolute path, and therefore you need to create the app from
> sources that are already in the final location (e.g. somewhere below 
> /Applications).

In fact this does appear to be problematic in our build system - the
resulting .app contains references to the directory where I built the
package.  It appears, however, that the self-contained app builds okay
in this context; the only place where the apparent bug shows up is on
my laptop, where everything was installed more-or-less manually.  I'm
a little spooked by this, since it makes me suspect that my script
isn't as general-purpose as would be ideal, but at least this should
allow me to build working installers for distribution.

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