
We have a python app we distribute on several platforms, including a
py2app-built standalone application for Mac.

Some of our data_files are platform-specific (icons, man pages…) and should
therefore only be included where relevant. We use the MANIFEST.in mechanism
to select which data_files get excluded from the builds produced. However,
py2app does not seem to abide by it.
We've also tried defining data_files more restrictively so that only
desired files figures in it. The whole data/ folder gets included
So far, the only solution we've found to this problem is to remove
undesired files from the .app folder using a post-processing shell script
(i.e. running after py2app). A rather inelegant hack.

What is the standard way to get fine-grained control over what data files
py2app includes/excludes?
We noticed that, contrary to other setup.py build commands, py2app does not
create a egg-info directory on its own. Is it normal beahvior? Would py2app
follow this egg-info regarding data files, if we built one beforehand?

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