On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 11:53 PM, Ronald Oussoren
<ronaldousso...@mac.com> wrote:
>> I'm using the
>> system zlib -- is that a bad idea? Should I build it too, to make sure
>> it matches the rest of it?
>> (I do want the binaries to run anywhere the binary Python I'm using runs)
> It depends on the library.

OK -- it would be nice to have rule to follow, but I guess that
decision should be made for each particular lib.

> I agree w.r.t. homebrew and macports, but it would be nice if 'pip install' 
> would work with your system with minimal changes to the pip configuration 
> (e.g. "just add ... to your piprc and then 'pip install foo' will install a 
> binary from the repo instead of building the binaries itself").

yes -- it sure would -- though this is enough to do without trying to
hack on pip as well....

>> Yeah, and he never gave anyone else permission to push to it...
> I wouldn't have done that either until the someone else has a proven 
> trackrecord (both in providing usable binaries and in being known in the 
> community).

well, when I say anyone else, I mean anyone else -- I, and a few
others regularly contributed, but it involved sending it to him, and
hoping he'd find the time to put it up...So if I do this, I'd like to
have at least the option of a handful of folks contributing directly.

>> But if we put the shared libs in amore central location, then all your
>> virtual-ens could use the same ones, yes?
> Yes. It would make it harder to switch library versions, but not by much.

hmm -- this is getting tricky for me to wrap my head around -- could
we make it so a pip install inside a virtual env would install a
dependency in the main python? Or would you have people install the
libs outside of the virtualenv first, if they didn't want multiple
copies ?

> Uninstall can be a problem with that, you'd have to refcount installed files 
> to ensure that libraries are only removed when the last user is uninstalled. 
> I don't know if the installation format used by pip supports having two 
> packages that install the same file.

and I don't want to write that code anyway ;-)

> This can be worked around with fake PyPI packages that only install the 
> shared libraries and have the real packages depend on that (that is a 
> "macbins-libpng" package with libpng.dylib and have the Imaging package 
> depend on that).

I like that idea -- and It looks like that's how Anaconda deals with it.

> /Library can be used, we'd just have to pick a name that Apple is unlikely to 
> use.

I think it should go in /Library/Frameworks/Python somewhere, helps
the uninstall issue -- if folks clear that out, they won't have
anything left behind.

> I'm probably atypical, but my main account doesn't have admin privileges. It 
> would suck if I'd have to use sudo to install.

How do you install the python from Python.org? I"m just thinking we
should match that...

> The @loader_path option you mentioned in a followup e-mail could help there. 
> That way the shared libraries can be installed in a fixed location relative 
> to sys.prefix, while still supporting virtualenvs. You wouldn't be able to 
> share shared libraries between python versions or virtualenvs, but that's not 
> really a problem (disk space is cheap).

That may be the way to go.

>> Any idea what the time scale is on this?
> Before Python 3.4 is out, which means sometime this summer.

OK -- I figure I"ll wait until it's there, and then try it out.

>> Have the pip folks made any commitment at all to supporting binary
>> installs? That's a big missing feature.
> Yes, through wheels. The development branch in pips repo 
> (<https://github.com/pypa/pip/tree/develop/pip>) contains support for wheels 
> (both creating and installing), although AFAIK installation of pips requires 
> a command-line argument at the moment because wheel support is experimental 
> at this point.

fair enough -- have you looked into the universal binary issue at all?
easy_install was always getting confused by universal binaries...

> I'll provide mental support at the least, and hope to do more than that but 
> don't know if I can do that time-wise.

You've provided an enormous amount already!

> If wx is hard to package it would be a good stress test of the tools, even if 
> you'd end up not distributing the binaries :-)

yup -- but I'm still not sure if I want to deal with it! -- we'll see.
Maybe Robin would be interested in supporting this shared lib system
if we do get to that.

I'm thinking of setting up a gitHub project for this..I'll let you all
know if/when I do.



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