
Over on the list for the Anaconda distribution, we've run into a limitation
in our understanding of the whole app bundle, etc business.

The problem is thus:

Anaconda is currently built with the old python / pythonw dichotomy.

python is a standard unix-style executable -- great for command line apps,
web servers, what have you. But you get the dreaded:

This program needs access to the screen.
Please run with a Framework build of python, and only when you are
logged in on the main display of your Mac.

when you try to run a GUI app (this error message from wxPython)

pythonw, on the other hand, is a shell script that re-directs to a python
that is inside a hand-built application bundle:


This all sort-of works. But it's a pain, because you may not know when you
start up an app, whether it needs to access the Window manger (like
iPython, for instance). And now I need to put "pythonw" in my #! lines,
which may fail on other *nix systems, and...

One thought is to simply have "python" be the same shell script as
"pythonw" but there is concern that having it be a re-directing shell
script may cause problems for some use cases.

I know that this has been solved for years in the installer. So
how is that done?

Anaconda doesn't seem to want to make their python a proper framework build
-- don't know why not -- would there be any downside? But is it possible to
build the python executable so it can access the GUI system without
structuring their whole python install?



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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