On Tue, Dec 13, 2016 at 11:16 AM, Glyph Lefkowitz <gl...@twistedmatrix.com>

> If we were to add s PyObjC build to conda-forge, the full stack should
> "just work".
> And conda forge has s CI system set up to auto build for various python
> versions....
> http://conda-forge.github.io/#add_recipe
> Why would this be necessary?  Can't conda just install the wheels from
> PyPI?

Well, maybe -- conda has grown better support for pip lately, so it may
work OK.

Back in the day, mixing conda and pipi got ugly fast, so I far prefer to
make a native conda package for everything.

conda also has a non-framework build of Python -- not sure if that would
cause any issues with the wheels.



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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