Same result:

Updated code:

import objc 
CRApplication = objc.lookUpClass("CRApplication")
        'arguments': {
                2: {
                        'callable': {
                        'arguments': {
                        0:{'type': b'^v'},
                        1:{'type': b'@'},
                        2:{'type': b'@'},
                        3:{'type': b'@'}
                '       retval': { 'type': b'v' }
global server

def helloHandler(self, request, response, handler):
        response.send_("Hello World!")
if __name__ == "__main__":
        server = CRApplication.sharedApplication().delegate().server()
        server.get_block_("/", objc.selector(helloHandler, signature=b'v@:@@@'))


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 37, in <module>
    server.get_block_("/", objc.selector(helloHandler, signature=b'v@:@@@'))
TypeError: Argument 3 is a block, but no signature available

> On Jan 6, 2020, at 09:27, Ronald Oussoren <> wrote:
>> On 6 Jan 2020, at 00:51, Rand Dvorak <> wrote:
>> I am trying to implement a simple server in PyObjC for the Criollo HTTP 
>> server.  The server has a method to set route handlers by passing a block to 
>> setup the route and then when it receives and HTTP request for the route it 
>> calls the block.  The block has the signature:
>> typedef void(^CRRouteBlock)(CRRequest* _Nonnull request, CRResponse* 
>> _Nonnull response, CRRouteCompletionBlock _Nonnull completionHandler);
>> So, here is my simple proof of concept:
>> import objc 
>> CRApplication = objc.lookUpClass("CRApplication")
>> global server
>> def helloHandler(self, request, response, handler):
>>      response.send_("Hello World!")
>>      handler()
>> if __name__ == "__main__":
>>      server = CRApplication.sharedApplication().delegate().server()
>>      server.get_block_("/", objc.selector(helloHandler, 
>> signature=b'v@:@@@‘))  *** error occurs here
>>      server.startListening()
>> But, when I try to setup the route I get the following error:
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>> File "", line 21, in <module>
>>   server.get_block_("/", objc.selector(helloHandler, signature=b'v@:@@'))
>> TypeError: Argument 3 is a block, but no signature available
>> Any ideas how to workaround this issue and implement the route handlers in 
>> PyObjC?
> The code below should do the trick, but eas typed directly into this mail and 
> might therefore contain syntax errors.
> import objc
> objc.registerMetaDataForSelector(
>    b”CRApplication”,  # name of the class implementing “get_block:”, or 
> “NSObject”
>    b”get_block:”,
>   {
>     “arguments”: {
>       2: {
>         “callable”: {
>          “arguments”: {
>           0: { “type”: b”^v” },
>           1: { “type”: b”@” },
>           2: { “type”: b”@” },
>           3: { “type”: b”@” }
>          },
>          “retail”: { “type”: b”v” }
>        } 
>      }
>   }
> )
> This tells the bridge the signature for the block argument of the 
> “get_block:” selector, which is information that cannot be retrieved from the 
> Objective-C runtime.  Argument 2 is the first real argument of ObjC 
> selectors, after the implicit arguments “self” and “_imp” (which is not 
> available in python code).
> Ronald
> —
> Twitter: @ronaldoussoren
> Blog:
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