> On 13 Dec 2020, at 04:53, Timothy M. Shead <t...@shead-custom-design.com> 
> wrote:
> Many thanks for py2app, of all the packaging apps I’ve tried, it’s been the 
> most usable by far; that said, I have questions.  Using conda, python 3.8.5, 
> and py2app 0.22 on MacOS 10.15.7 with the following test app:
>    # hello.py
>    print(“Hello, World!”)
> And the following default setup.py:
>    from setuptools import setup
>    APP = ["hello.py”]
>    DATA_FILES = []
>    OPTIONS = {}
>    setup(
>        app=APP,
>        data_files=DATA_FILES,
>        options={"py2app": OPTIONS},
>        setup_requires=["py2app”],
>    )
> Everything builds and runs fine:
>    $ python setup.py py2app
>    $ dist/hello.app/Contents/MacOS/hello
>    Hello, World!
> However, upon closer inspection, I see that there are a couple of libs that 
> are being loaded from outside the bundle:
>    $ DYLD_PRINT_LIBRARIES=1 dist/hello.app/Contents/MacOS/hello
>    ...
>    /Users/tshead/miniconda3/envs/flow/lib/libz.1.dylib
>    /Users/tshead/miniconda3/envs/flow/lib/libffi.7.dylib
> Focusing on libz, I see that it’s being loaded from a library that is part of 
> the bundle:
>    $ otool -L 
> dist/hello.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python3.8/lib-dynload/zlib.so
>    dist/hello.app/Contents/Resources/lib/python3.8/lib-dynload/zlib.so:
>           @rpath/libz.1.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 
> 1.2.11)
>            …

How was Python build? 

> And when I look at the main executable, the second rpath looks questionable:
>    $ otool -l dist/hello.app/Contents/MacOS/hello
>    …
>    Load command 16
>              cmd LC_RPATH
>          cmdsize 32
>             path @loader_path/../lib (offset 12)
>    Load command 17
>              cmd LC_RPATH
>          cmdsize 48
>             path @loader_path/../../../../../ (offset 12)

Was this file created by py2app, or did you change it afterwards?  The stub 
executable in current releases of py2app should not contain LC_RPATH entries at 

> What is the right approach to address this?  Manually copy the missing .dylib 
> files into dist/hello.app/Contents/lib?  I’m too new to know what to expect 
> from py2app, but I’m surprised that it would be necessary for something as 
> ubiquitous as zlib?

Py2app, or rather the macholib library used by py2app, does not process @rpath 
correctly. The code is older than the introduction of this feature and is not 
easily adjusted for it because some information needed for correctly dealing 
with @rpath and @loader_path is lost before the code that should use the 
information is active.  I have rewriting that code on my too long todo list.

Note that this works for me, with the Python.org <http://python.org/> 
installation of Python.


Twitter / micro.blog: @ronaldoussoren
Blog: https://blog.ronaldoussoren.net/
> Cheers,
> Tim
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