
After a bit of hassle, I got pyusb 1.0.0a and libusb1.0 working on windows, and
it's all quite nice.  I've got a simple python script listening to a "teensy"
board from pjrc.com.  (AVR with built in USB)

The code that works just fine on windows is at:

However, on linux, this doesn't work so well.  I installed libusb-1.0-0 on
ubuntu 9.10, and the same version of pyusb, 1.0.0a as on windows.

But on linux, even as root, I just get USBError('Resource busy',) exceptions
when I try and read from the device.  I know that I'm meant to have a cfg.set()
line, but I didn't need it on windows, and if I add it for linux, I just get a
"Resource busy" exception when it tries to set the config, instead of when it
tries to read.

What sort of things are likely to cause this?  It's a bit of a grey area for me,
and I really thought that if it worked on windows, it would be much easier to
get working on linux!

Is it possibly related to needing to "detach" the kernel driver?  I've found
some wild references to that, but I have no idea how to do so...

Any advice greatly appreciated,
Karl P


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