Mattflaschen created this task. Mattflaschen assigned this task to happy5214. Mattflaschen added subscribers: Spage, Liuxinyu970226, Aklapper, happy5214, Legoktm, gerritbot, rmoen, EBernhardson, NiharikaKohli, Capt_Swing, Qgil, jayvdb, Mattflaschen, Xqt, Ricordisamoa, pywikibot-bugs-list, Multichill, Ladsgroup. Mattflaschen added projects: Pywikibot-Flow, Google-Summer-of-Code-2015.
TASK DESCRIPTION We discussed this during the meeting. The basic idea is to update an existing bot that posts on user talk to support Flow pages. I've created such a user account, and James F turned it into a Flow board: There's also Pywikibot Flow Demo Bot, for the bot account. TASK DETAIL EMAIL PREFERENCES To: happy5214, Mattflaschen Cc: Ladsgroup, Multichill, pywikibot-bugs-list, Ricordisamoa, Xqt, Mattflaschen, jayvdb, Qgil, Capt_Swing, NiharikaKohli, EBernhardson, rmoen, gerritbot, Legoktm, happy5214, Aklapper, Liuxinyu970226, Spage, Imaculate, Malyacko _______________________________________________ pywikibot-bugs mailing list