darthbhyrava added a subscriber: Qgil.
darthbhyrava added a comment.

@polybuildr , I wont be debating the decision in public, as that is messy for all concerned, can't alter the outcome at this stage, and is contrary to the GSOC rules.

I disagree with this. I think the decision should be continued in public, as you are not providing me any justifiable decisions in private, and I feel wronged and robbed of this opportunity. I cannot afford to pay my next semester's college fees, and had this summer to earn. I turned down other options to go for GSoC, and since I feel I am being unfairly denied the chance to continue, I would like other people like @Qgil, Stephanie Taylor at Google, and others to objectively look at the MVP, my work, the claims due to which I have been failed, and then provide their decision.

I suggest that you read http://bhyrava.me/code/gsoc/wikimedia/2016/06/23/GSoC7/ . On June 23rd, after the mid-term evaluations had begun, Darth knew he was failing, and publicly stated it in his blog post, along with a decent 'meta' assessment of why he was failing.

This is selective quoting. In my post, I'd said:

As of today, as I type out the words into the midnight of the 23rd, I am failing. Close, but failing.

Focus on as of today. That was because my patches did not yet have a +2 by then.

I had also mentioned, later in the post, that

But back to the moment. I have a patch to submit, a patchset to fix, and three and a half days left in order to meet MVP objectives. Lots of work. Here’s to a great journey so far, and here’s to the final charge.

And very soon, I sent both @jayvdb and @Legoktm a mail at Jun 25th 12:05 am (IST) stating that my patches had been +2ed by jenkins, and that I met the other requirements, and if there was anything left to do to pass mid-term.

I never received a reply.

Back to the main concern: here's the evaluation @jayvdb submitted to Google:

I am generally quite pleased with the improvements over the last three weeks, and your last blog post (http://bhyrava.me/code/gsoc/wikimedia/2016/06/23/GSoC7/), especially the part about reading code, indicates that you're on the right path to understanding Pywikibot, open source and most importantly yourself. However the deadline is fast approaching, and the MVP hasnt arrived. The patches have quite a bit more work required to be polished enough to be merged. But the main problem is that the tests are not extensive, and do not provide test coverage of all of your code, including lots of edge cases. Given more time, I believe you could finish the MVP. I strongly recommend that you participate in Google Summer of Code again, and put in 100%+ from day 1, and focus on the design and the tests - if you get those right, the code writes itself.

@01tonythomas, @Sumit, @Legoktm, @Niharika, @Qgil - please look at the MVP posted above, my patches at 294901 and 295132, the timing and nature of reviews, and then make an unbiased call.



To: jayvdb, darthbhyrava
Cc: Qgil, Niharika, QuimGil, jayvdb, EBernhardson, Legoktm, darthbhyrava, Xqt, Mpaa, valhallasw, kaldari, polybuildr, pywikibot-bugs-list, Aklapper, Billghost, zhuyifei1999, Sumit, Zppix, 01tonythomas, Lethexie, Mdupont, fbstj, Catrope, Jay8g
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