Xqt added a comment.

  In T276348#6888981 <https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T276348#6888981>, 
@Gauravahlawat81 wrote:
  > @Xqt Could you please tell me more about this issue ? I can't understand 
the issue and how to solve it from the description. Thanks !
  This is not a trivial issue. `bot.BaseBot` provides a `treat` method which 
gets a page object as parameter and should do all necessary changes in it. The 
generic `bot.BaseBot.run()` method runs through a generator and calls `treat` 
for each page object. This task is About:
  - devide  `SandboxBot.run()` method into several parts that the generic 
`bot.BaseBot.run()` can be used instead - or inherit main parts from it
  - move the code parts of the inner loop for each page object to` treat` or 
`treat_page` method
  - page filtering may be done by `skip_page` method
  - initializing codes should be moved to a `init_page` method
  - there are other method like setup and teardown to be used
  - find a way for the generator doing the infinite loop
  Please refer `bot.BaseBot` methods and also the subclasses classes 
`SingleSiteBot`, `MultipleSitesBot`, `AutomaticTWSummaryBot`, `ExistingPageBot 
`for more Information. Probable split improvements into several steps.



To: Xqt
Cc: Gauravahlawat81, Aklapper, Xqt, pywikibot-bugs-list, Jyoo1011, 
JohnsonLee01, SHEKH, Dijkstra, Khutuck, Zkhalido, Viztor, Wenyi, Tbscho, MayS, 
Mdupont, JJMC89, Dvorapa, Altostratus, Avicennasis, mys_721tx, jayvdb, Masti, 
Alchimista, Rxy
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