Urbanecm added a comment.

  Here you go:
  | **pyth_version** | **reqs** | **%** |
  | ---------------- | -------- | ----- |
  | 3.7.3.final.0    | 804159555        | 43.49 |
  | 3.9.2.final.0    | 290690349        | 15.72 |
  | 2.7.16.final.0   | 243496917        | 13.17 |
  | 3.8.10.final.0   | 123002784        | 6.65  |
  | 3.6.8.final.0    | 87334784        | 4.72  |
  | 3.10.4.final.0   | 64274221        | 3.48  |
  | 3.7.13.final.0   | 61139925        | 3.31  |
  | 3.10.5.final.0   | 39251301        | 2.12  |
  | 3.9.13.final.0   | 28046716        | 1.52  |
  | 3.6.9.final.0    | 18113091        | 0.98  |
  | 3.5.3.final.0    | 7798953        | 0.42  |
  | 3.10.6.final.0   | 7642273        | 0.41  |
  | 3.10.0.final.0   | 7546021        | 0.41  |
  | 2.7.10.final.0   | 7278335        | 0.39  |
  | 3.7.4.final.0    | 6549199        | 0.35  |
  | 3.8.13.final.0   | 6287723        | 0.34  |
  | 3.9.12.final.0   | 5398548        | 0.29  |
  | 3.9.0.final.0    | 5356307        | 0.29  |
  | 3.8.0.final.0    | 5308400        | 0.29  |
  | 3.6.15.final.0   | 4799174        | 0.26  |
  | 3.8.6.final.0    | 4109954        | 0.22  |
  | 3.7.9.final.0    | 3829511        | 0.21  |
  | 3.8.5.final.0    | 3798001        | 0.21  |
  | 3.5.10.final.0   | 2999053        | 0.16  |
  | 3.9.7.final.0    | 2808815 
        | 0.15  |
  | 3.6.6.final.0    | 2622023        | 0.14  |
  | 3.6.12.final.0   | 2050683        | 0.11  |
  | 3.8.12.final.0   | 1306884        | 0.07  |
  | 3.7.6.final.0    | 1113718        | 0.06  |
  | 3.9.5.final.0    | 1053757        | 0.06  |
  Generated via the following code at `stat1005`:
    In [1]: from wmfdata import spark, utils
    In [2]: import numpy as np
    In [3]: df = spark.run("select 
regexp_extract(http.request_headers['user-agent'], 'Python\/([^ ]*)') as 
pyth_version, count(*) as reqs from event.mediawiki_api_request wh   ...: ere 
year=2022 and http.request_headers['user-agent'] like '%Pywikibot%' group by 
pyth_version order by count(*) desc limit 30")
    In [4]: df['%'] = np.round(df.reqs / df.reqs.sum() * 100, 2)
    In [5]: utils.df_to_remarkup(df)
  Hope this helps!



To: Urbanecm
Cc: Aklapper, pywikibot-bugs-list, Legoktm, Urbanecm, Xqt, LisafBia6531, 
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