Earlier messages
Messages by Thread
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [tests] replace daglint2 tests with docsig
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [tests] Ignore quotes in user name
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [tests: Allow some scripts to fail
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: Announce support of MediaWiki < 1.23 is to be dropped
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: tests: timeout is not required for T379227
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: Deprecate script
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [IMPR] Show a warning if Pywikibot is running with Python 3.7
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [i18n] copy pywikibot translations from i18n repository
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [tests] add 'wbtypes' to library_test_modules set
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [FEAT] Add BasePage.get_revision
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [doc] Fix doc strings about todo collection
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [tests] Split wikibase_tests (step1)
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [tests] Split wikibase_tests (step2)
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [doc] update ROADMAP.rst and fix spelling mistake
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [test] fix message of TestReplacementsMain.test_pairs_file for pypy3.7
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [fix] retry SparqlQuery.query on internal server error (500)
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [bugfix] import tkinter and there objects within try statement
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [IMPR] use long regex flags which are more readable
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [doc] Capitalize TODOs
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: Replace unnecessary escape sequences
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [RSE] fix unnecessary parentheses on raised exception
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [RET] remove unnecessary return None and elif after break
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [bugfix] extract linktrail for hr-wiki
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [doc] Fix docstrings
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [lint] use ruff selecting D instead of deprecated flake8 pydocstyle
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: remove deprecated fix-encoding-pragma hook
JJMC89 (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [lint] remove flake8-no-u-prefixed-strings
JJMC89 (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [test] Test replace.handle_pairs()
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [bugfix] strip newlines from pairsfile lines
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [9.6] Prepare next release
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [9.5] Publish Pywikibot 9.5
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: update from unicode 16.0.0 distributed with Python 3.14
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: Fix doctests
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [cleanup] remove -repository option which was never implemented in core
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [doc] adjust scripts/README.rst inclusion
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [doc] remove sphinx-notfound-page extension for sphinx
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [IMPR] Rename DataSite.getPropertyType to get_property_type
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [bugfix] Fix argument for NoWikibaseEntityError
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [doc] Update scripts description for and
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [doc] update badges for pywikibot-scripts
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [IMPR] provide XXXI with romanNumToInt() and intToRomanNum() functions
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [doc] Fix typo
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [doc] Fix typo
Meno25 (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [doc] user options list with add_text script
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [doc] use options list with login script
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [tests] test utils.expected_failure_if decorator
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [fix] no longer raise UnsupportedPageError within PageGenerator.result()
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [doc] fix docstring in /data/
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: Fix typos
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: Revert "[tests] Python 3.14.0-alpha is available with actions/python-...
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [tests] Python 3.14.0-alpha is available with actions/python-versions
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [tests] run doctests with Python 3.7 on ubuntu-22.04
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [tests] run tests with Python 3.7 on ubuntu-22.04
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [IMPR] Show strong messages in case of missing error code in Page.aut...
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: Prepare next release after pwb 9.4.1
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [9.4.1] Publish Pywikibot 9.4.1
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [tests] run TestTkinter on en-wiki only
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [tests] remove `PYWIKIBOT_TEST_WRITE_FAIL` from documentation
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [test] run gui_tests with pytest and pytest-xvfb
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [tests] try to run gui_tests on github after tkinter is installed
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [tests] Python 3.13.0 final release was published, update gh actions
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [tests} install tksinter on ubuntu for gui tests
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: Update versions after pywikibot-scripts 9.4.1 and fix
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [bugfix] import scripts from pywikibot-scripts if site-package is ins...
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: pre-commit autoupdate
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: pre-commit autoupdate
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [IMPR] move code parts from to SandboxBot.tread()
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: remove pywikibot_scripts.egg-info with -clear option
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [9.5] Prepare next release 9.5.0
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...i18n[master]: Fix sorting order
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [9.4.0] Publish Pywikibot 9.4.0
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [IMPR] Provide an entry point to connect foreign scripts with pwb wapper
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [tests] Use list instead of set in test_randomredirect_generator_default
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: pywikibot.scripts: Remove
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [doc] Ipdate ROADMAP.rst
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [IMPR] Show a warning message for a deleted or unknown claim type
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [IMPR] add User.renamed_target() method
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [IMPR] Check whether Claim exists within Claim.fromJSON() method
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [IMPR] add LogEntry.params as a public property
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [doc] update ROADMAP.rst and documentation
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [tests] enable TestThankRevision.test_thank_revision
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: Revert "[tests] install wikitextparser instead of mwpfh for Python 3.13"
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [tests] run editfailure tests with Pywikibot-oauth
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: Revert "oauth-tests: experimental run on wpbeta:zh"
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [tests] Fix CI tests
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: Add title function to MediaInfo.
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: pre-commit: add commit-message-validator
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: migrate isort and mypy configs to pyproject.toml
JJMC89 (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: fix pre-commit workflow file
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [doc] update ROADMAP.rst and datasite documentation
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: Remove lint_tests workflow
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: oauth-tests: experimental run on wpbeta:zh
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: pre-commit for linting and code formatting
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [IMPR] Add hints if an account is member of bot group but has no bot ...
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [sphinx] remove source_suffix specification
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: Add tags to the wikibase functions in Pywikibot
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [tests] restore pypy lint tests
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: Revert "[tests] remove pypy3 base python which is no longer needed"
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...i18n[master]: build: Updating micromatch to 4.0.8
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [tests] install wikitextparser instead of mwparserfromhell for Python...
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [tests] install wikitextparser instead of mwparserfromhell for Python...
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [flow] deprecate flow extension support
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: diff: Add get_close_matches_ratio() function
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: delinker: use difflib to find the closest image match
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [doc] add missing language to code-block directive
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: Updates for Moroccan Arabic (ary)
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: unusedfiles: remove Flow support
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [doc] use :wiki: role for documentation
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [doc] add role to enwiki to exlink dict
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: restore ability to generate docs with python < 3.11
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: restore py39: python3.9
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [IMRP] Look for the lastest file deletion first.
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [IMPR] add -category option to
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [IMPR] Recover
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...i18n[master]: [i18n] add/recover i18n for script
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [bugfix] initialize super classes of EditReplacementError
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [scripts] rename to preserve git history
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [scripts] restore script
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [IMPR] Add a hint to import missing module in
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [fix] check whether tile exists first
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [tests] remove pypy3 base python which is no longer needed
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [tests] Add command for pypy3 hacking tests (py39)
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [CI] run fasttest with pypy
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [tests] remove lint tests for Python 3.10-3.12; they are done by CI now
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [tests] fix hacking tests
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [CI] Add missing command for deeptest-py312
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [tests] run lint tests with pypy
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [doc] Use Python 3.12 to create documentation
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [CI] 2nd deeptest is for Python 3.12 not 3.9
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: Add interpreter to tox and test CI with python-all image
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [9.4] Update Pywikibot 9.4
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [9.3.1] Publish Pywikibot 9.3.1
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [fix] Ignore LookupError when decoding meta content
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [IMPORTANT] Action Required for Your Wikitech Account Migration
Komla Sapaty
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [dev] add Python 3.14 to pypi classifiers
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: code formatting
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [test] update library and script tests sets
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: automatically sort imports
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: automatically upgrade python syntax
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [tests] set PYTHONIOENCODING to utf-8 for windows-tests
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [tests] enable write tests for wikipedia:test and beta wikis
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [tests] Add username to commons:beta
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [tests] simplify tests collector
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [doc] PYWIKIBOT_TEST_AUTORUN environment variable was removed
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [fix] fix oauth_tests-ci.yml
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [tests] run file_tests with pywikibot-oauth
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [tests] add components to codecov
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [tests] add components to codecov
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [tests] use prompt=False for delete() method
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [IMPR] code improvements
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [IMPR] code improvements
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [IMPR] Code improvements
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [tests] Fix MediaWikiSiteTestCase.test_proofreadwiki
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [9.4] fix version string
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [flow] add __all__ to flow module
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [flow] remove and
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [9.4] Prepare next release
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [9.3] Publish Pywikibot 9.3
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [tests] Disable and
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [tests] activate windows action for CI
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [fix] Only add lang links to page._langlinks if present in family file
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [tests] test TestInterwikidataBot.test_main for unconnected sites
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [tests] install setuptools for Python 3.12+
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [IMPR] remove -wiktionary option from script
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [doc] Fix script name
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [fix] Ignore extension check in scripts/
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [cleanup]] deprecate BasePage.userName() and BasePage(isIpEdit)
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [tests] skip connected page within unconnected_pages tests
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...i18n[master]: [IMPR] expand redirect messages to show the old redirect target
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [IMPR] show the current redirect target with redirect summary
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [tests] remove cached attribute from unconnectedPages tests
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [tests] Skip TestShortLink tests if urlshortener-ratelimit was exceeded
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [fix] Use an asterisk as sort key in ar-wiki
Meno25 (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [tests] fix doctest for main_authors
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [IMPR] Ignore SectionError in script
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [IMPR] use Page.text instead of Page.get() to get the page content.
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [tests] fix archivebot_tests for uz-wiki
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [bugfix] Fix LexemePage doctest
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [IMPR] remove previous error traceback when raising Error in authorsh...
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [9.3.0d1] Update master release after 9.2.1 stable release
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[stable]: [9.2.1] Add support for aewikimedia wiki and publish Pywikibot 9.2.1
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [tests] fix warning message in http_tests.TestGetAuthenticationConfig
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [IMPR] Avoid backslash in repr string of WikibaseEntity
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [redirect] raise error explicitly in _skip_on_exception
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [wikibase] give a more informative exception
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [IMPR] use list comprehensions in several modules
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [pep8] remove invalid noqa pattern
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [tests] remove assert statements in tests/
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [IMPR] remove antipatterns
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [IMPR] remove "else" after return or raise
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [IMPR] remove nnecessary parentheses after keyword (PYL-C0325)
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [pep8] Add max-doc-length = 79
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [pep8] fix pep8 issues in dataextend using autopep8 in aggressive mode
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [pep8] fix pep8 issues in pywikibot using autopep8
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [IMPR] Use unittest_print instead of log for APIError during tests
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [tests] remove flake8-string-format test
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [tests] remove ruff settings (maybe used later)
Xqt (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [IMPR] Improvements for, Page.put and Page.touch
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: [tests] drop Appveyor tests
jenkins-bot (Code Review)
[Pywikibot-commits] [Gerrit] ...core[master]: Revert "[dep] Update Pillow requirements"
Xqt (Code Review)
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