
I've been asked if I could assist with some template replacements on a
project [0]. While I guess I could just use template.py to do it, the
script seems not to support doing multiple replacements at once, and
doing it one-by-one would be very tedious and not very efficient

Is there any way to do it with the existing Pywikibot suite? I was
thinking this might be done via replace.py and user-fixes.py or
fixes.py, but I'm not sure if it'll respect template parameters or
it'll strip them (e.g. just replace the template name leaving brakets
and parameters untouched i.e. {{template|1=parameter}}).

Could someone please guide me?

Thank you in advance.

Best regards, M.

[0]: <https://meta.wikimedia.org?oldid=21550692> (in Spanish).
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