Roy Smith <> ezt írta (időpont: 2022. nov. 2., Sze, 18:19):

> There's a bunch of block reason templates such as {{blocked proxy}},
> {{webhostblock}}, etc.  They don't always get used, but they're good things
> to look for before you fall back to just comment_text like '%proxy%'
This works for huwiki, and we have only one.

> I don't think you need to check for ipb_expiry != 'infinity'.  People who
> know SQL better than I do would know for sure, but I think the previous
> clause (ipb_expiry < now() + interval 1 month) would always be false in
> that case.
Unfortunately not, I tried without that, and a lot of infinities appeared.
So this was a workaround. I think MySQL is very loose with types, and in
your original version expiry date was a string constant. Numbers are before
letters. I modified it to show always one month, thus my comparison uses a
date type, while 'infinity' is still a string, and seems to precede dates.
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