Thanks for a great answer, Merlijn!  I'll stick to using the rewrite
branch and continue to encourage my lab mates to do so as well, then.

Will also pay attention to the upcoming Berlin hackathon, and see if
there's some useful input I can provide (since I'm unable to attend,
different continents and stuff).


On 17 April 2012 15:08, Merlijn van Deen <> wrote:
> Hi Morten,
> On 17 April 2012 17:17, Morten Wang <> wrote:
>> What's the take on trunk vs rewrite/2.0?  When I started using PWB a
>> couple of years ago (or thereabouts), I got the impression that
>> rewrite was the preferred version to use. Should I consider switching
>> back?
> The main thing is that we should get rid of the split ecosystem. The
> thing that is holding is back is that
>  a) most bots have not been converted to the rewrite and that
>  b) the rewrite does not offer any immediate rewards for people that
> just use bots.
> As most bugs get submitted by people that 'just use bots', most
> developer time gets invested in those bugs, which means that time has
> to be invested in trunk - even though we don't like to.
> However, as a framework, the rewrite is built in a much clearer and cleaner 
> way.
> Thus, as a guideline, I'd say:
>  - if you are writing bots yourself: use the rewrite.
>  - if you are using bots that have been converted to the rewrite:
> stay with the rewrite
>  - if you need other bots, or if you need XML dumps: use trunk.
> There are plans to discuss these issues during the upcoming Berlin
> hackathon. We should identify the reasons why people don't switch, and
> see how we can get them to - be it with carrots or with sticks.
> Best,
> Merlijn
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