On 30 December 2012 23:31, Bináris <wikipo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The code in wikipedia.py is:
>             elif self.comment() and username in self.comment():
>                 raise LockedPage(
>                     u'Not allowed to edit %s because last edit maybe
> reverted'
>                     % self.title(asLink=True))
> (line 1970)

It was added by xql in r10769:

(you can find this yourself using the 'annotate' function in the
repository browser.... or svn blame, but that takes ages)

Basically, I think there are two ways of improving this, as the basic
idea of preventing reverts makes sense to me:
  a) using a less crude method to determine reverts of ourself - can't
we detect the last revision's owner? I think that's p.userName()?
  b) using a different exception - one that more clearly signifies
'don't edit without user intervention' - on the other hand, that's
sort of what LockedPage does! It tells the code: hey, you can only
edit this with another user.

> Of course, these type of messages in the argument of raise won't appear on
> user's screen, it is hidden into the source code. For some reason, Python
> does not show the message in user exceptions.
I cannot reproduce this:
>>> raise wikipedia.LockedPage('something')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
pywikibot.exceptions.LockedPage: something

but maybe the exception was caught and rethrown without message (which
would be the real wrongdo-er!)

> This was my first experience with this kind of error so I was first
> frightened and confused and finally found out that I should use a force=True
> parameter, and so after waiting another 8 minutes I could save the page. I
> solved the case and lost 15-20 minutes.

Good to hear you have solved the problem - and sorry that it wasted
that much time. But please also take from this that you should be
prepared for exceptions when saving - you want to handle the
exceptions in a sensible way, so the bot doesn't crash, wasting your
time :-)

Anyway, I'd like xqt to make a note on this, so that we know the
background of the original commit. I think the basic goals are OK, but
maybe the implementation can use some improvements.


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