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Compat/trunk never worked like this... I always (at least 5 years now)
checked out/cloned the current version - tested it a few days with my
bots, commited bug fixes if needed and then ran this code for about 6
months. After that period the same procedure was repeated.

I now there are communities that retrieve the most current code once a
day by crontab job but I consider this as very dangerous.

May be for nightlies there is some unittesting before deployment...?

Now using gerrit and code review should give use the ability just to
merge in code that was tested and works (despite some complex bugs)
and thus we should be able to have working code in the repo only...
But that would require a high level of discipline and very serious
testing of commited changes by all developers involved... so I am
afraid that it will stay somehow suboptimal as it is because we are
all just volunteers only... ;)) ...this is my assumption... ;))

But to be honest we have a quite cool and quite stable bunch of code
here in my oppinion - at least for the tasks I am working on... ;)


On 31.08.2013 18:08, Bináris wrote:
> 2013/8/24 John <phoenixoverr...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:phoenixoverr...@gmail.com>>
> Another point that is really frustrating is the logging system
> that complains about not having a logger defined if you run any
> custom scripts.
> So this is the reason! I didn't understand why I suddenly got
> those strange messages. I have a dream: someday we get back to
> schöne alte Zeiten when things just worked and there was no need to
> dissipate our energies for continous maintenance and following
> changes. And we can just USE the bot again.
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