> I'm sorry you feel this way. No-one was very happy switching to git, but we
> did not have much of a choice -- svn.wikimedia.org would go down, no matter
> what. Of all the alternatives, switching to git/gerrit was the most
> reasonable one. Overall, I'm unhappy with the migration, as this was
> frustrating for developers and users alike, but I am also happy with some
> things - we have seen an influx of new developers, especially during the
> Google Code-In, and we now have a very nice integration between the bug
> tracker. I'm also really happy with the pre-commit code review, which (I
> think) improves pywikibot overall.
> Merlijn

I aggree with Merlin. I was very unhappy with git, was frustrated, angry and 
hated that damned shit git and finally was going to give up developing 
furthermore. Then I found some ways to use git/gerrit system on my windows 
(which is a mix of tortoisegit and git bash) and it is ok for me now. And  I do 
not want to miss these advantages of new developers, a better code review 
before committing it and at least it is much more easy to merge submitted 
patches compared with the old patch tracker system.


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