On Sat, Jun 7, 2014 at 3:43 PM, John <phoenixoverr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> No, the pattern with page.text is evil and will be exterminated. Like I
> stated in my previous email im in the process of making core not suck.
> defining several functions with the same name but different actions is a
> recipe for headache and problematic code. use of get_<item>() and
> set_<item>() functions should always be used. Not sure who's bright idea it
> was to use the current page.text approach, but it wasnt a good idea.

Wow!  So, your previous trolling didn't get anyone to rise to the bait, so
you're going to continue and/or amplify?!?!

Software projects, open source or not, are social enterprises.  Do you not
understand that you need to get along with other folks in order to get your
ideas implemented?

(And no, none of the "sucky" code belongs to me, so I don't have a dog in
this fight)

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