> > Thanks. Do you intend to forward all ticket changes to qa-devel
> > mailing lists?
> I've been going back and forth on that one. On the one hand, that makes
> it much easier to follow what's going on. On the other hand, it makes
> quite a bit of noise on the list and I've never been a huge fan of
> getting 2 emails for every single email set out by trac on tickets I'm
> involved in.

I have a Zimbra filter that marks all emails with my name in the From header as 
read. Wrt Trac I do the same for emails coming from the right address and 
containing "Changes (by kparal):" in the body. 

Actually I think this behavior (send me my own emails) can be even disabled in 
Trac admin configuration. I looked into Phabricator user settings and it's not 
present there. But at least the From header contains my name.

> I suppose that I could just quit my whining and start using email
> filters that aren't quite so braindead as zimbra's, though.
> Other thoughts?

Can I somehow subscribe to all ticket changes in Phabricator? If it is 
possible, we don't need to forward it to the mailing list. Otherwise I'm afraid 
it's needed, we need to know what's happening.

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