On 01/08/2014 09:51 PM, Kamil Paral wrote:
>> Another question is whether this yaml based task description is worth
>> doing or if we should just use a python-based task format similar to
>> what autotest does (inherit from a python class and override methods as
>> needed).
> I find this yaml format much more readable and simple. It's definitely more 
> restricted than what you can do in a full programming language. But unless we 
> really need the full programming power, I'd rather stay on KISS side.

And so long as you parse it in safe mode, YAML is much easier to trust
as a configuration format.

From LCA last week, two OpenStack infrastructure projects potentially
worth mining for inspiration in relation to Taskotron (including
definition formats) would be:

Jenkins Job Builder:
Zuul (project gating system):

Kamil already linked to my talk on Beaker from the Monday automation
miniconf, but there are some good OpenStack ones from the Friday as part
of the main conf: http://mirror.linux.org.au/linux.conf.au/2014/Friday/


Nick Coghlan
Red Hat Hosted & Shared Services
Software Engineering & Development, Brisbane

Testing Solutions Team Lead
Beaker Development Lead (http://beaker-project.org/)
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