#443: Better format for test compose (TC) and release candidate (RC) requests
 Reporter:  jreznik                     |       Owner:
     Type:  enhancement                 |      Status:  new
 Priority:  major                       |   Milestone:  Fedora 21
Component:  Blocker/NTH review process  |     Version:
 Keywords:                              |  Blocked By:
 Blocking:                              |
 = problem =
 With Dennis (in CC), we discussed how to make release process, with
 Fedora.next in mind, more transparent and bullet proof. One issue is that
 releng request can become pretty messy, with full text included and
 sometimes it leads to errors (omission of packages in compose etc).

 = enhancement recommendation =
 One possibility is to visibly separate full text description (with bug
 numbers, reasons - it's good to have history) and the list of exact nvrs
 (maybe in code block?), try to avoid "qt bundle" etc. so it's easier to
 pick up the right list (for blockers, FEs + exceptional tools requests).

 Another thing is better coordination between requester/releng - to mark
 when/which list was picked up etc, in similar way how Go/No-Go decision is
 stated in the ticket.

 Now I'll let more space to Dennis, maybe example of how the request should
 look like to make it easy to parse would help.

 Long term (and preferred) solution would be to have automation in place,
 Blocker app talking to releng interface, compose database, web dashboard

Ticket URL: <https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-qa/ticket/443>
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