On Fri, 28 Mar 2014 15:29:05 +1000
Nick Coghlan <ncogh...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On 03/28/2014 04:12 AM, Tim Flink wrote:
> > I'm of the opinion that either a buildscript or copr and
> > fedorapeople repos is going to be the best option for the moment.
> > Any other thoughts?
> Are your scripts for the copr+fedorapeople approach available?

Actually, I haven't written any scripts for it yet. I've been doing the
process manually for phabricator since I'm not doing builds all that

> Making
> Fedora builds available in a non-painful way is still a problem for us
> in Beaker-land, and while longer term we'd like to make that problem
> go away by getting Beaker into Fedora proper, copr+sync sounds like
> something that would be useful not only to us, but also as a more
> general model for consuming copr as a build system, while distributing
> the resulting RPMs from another location (beaker-project.org in our
> case).

Actually, I hadn't thought about using copr as a buildsystem. I had
been thinking of using mock and/or tito but copr might be a better
choice in this case.

If we go this route, I'm certainly game for writing something that'd be
useful for both of us, though. pingou has a project to do daily builds
from git with copr [1] that may serve for a useful base or something
that we could add features to. I assume that you have rsync access to
the repos on beaker-project.org?

[1] https://github.com/pypingou/dgroc


> Cheers,
> Nick.
> - -- 
> Nick Coghlan
> Red Hat Hosted & Shared Services
> Software Engineering & Development, Brisbane
> Testing Solutions Team Lead
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