The Fedora 21 branch date is coming up fast - iteration 4 will be the
last complete iteration before our planned production deployment date
and we have plenty things to do before then. Iteration progress is
being tracked in:

I think we're a bit farther along than it looks by just watching the
number of completed tickets - several of those are almost completed or
waiting to be pushed before tickets are closed.

Just to make sure we're all on the same page, I've made a list of the
critical things which need to be done before we can deploy to
production and turn off AutoQA.

I want to do a test build on Wednesday (about 20:00 UTC) to get some
testing time so that we can release on Friday. If one of your tasks
isn't likely to be done by Wednesday, please let me know as soon as you
can so we can deal with it before release time.

If you think that something doesn't belong on this list or that I've
missed something, let me know or reply to this thread.


 - Josef is hard at work getting this to run in Taskotron

 - Log appropriate information into taskotron.log

General Taskotron:
 - We're still using '$CHECKNAME' in our tap output. While this isn't
   read by any code that I know of, it looks bad and I want it to be
   fixed (at least temporarially) before we deploy to production

 - make all output available alongside the main stdout from task

bodhi comments
 - As far as I know, this is mostly working but it's one of those
   things that will need close manual inspection to make sure there are
   no corner cases that we've forgotten about
   * part of

 - Port ansible playbooks to infra's repo
 - Get new stg setup ready and running
 - Get production machines setup and running

Things that I really want to have but we could technically go to
production without:

directive documentation
 - Progress is being made here, will hopefully have output later this

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