On Wed, 04 Mar 2015 11:34:47 +1000
Dan Callaghan <dcall...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Looking at the Fedora infra ansible git repo, it seems like there is 
> a skeleton for managing beaker01.qa.fedoraproject.org, but just the 
> system and OS, not the Beaker application itself. (Unless I missed 
> something?)

Yeah, it's just a skeleton - I wanted to make sure that the setup would
work before putting the effort into ansible-izing it.

> I'd like to try and contribute a patch for Beaker server/lab
> controller roles. Where is the preferred place to iterate on that? Is
> there an open Phab issue, or should I just mail this list, or
> something else?

I created a ticket to track the playbook role creation.


We can create another instance to work with but it might be easier to
take the setup I wrote for the standalone taskotron instance and adapt
that to work with local VMs to start with. The setup and execution
wouldn't be identical but the same general concept of overriding the
infra-specific role dependencies should work with beaker as well.


> I'm sure it will take me quite a few attempts to get right :-) since 
> I haven't done anything with Fedora infra ansible before.

Yeah, there was a bit of a learning curve for me to figure out how
that stuff works as well. Let us know if you have any questions about
how stuff is set up.


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