On Mon, 29 Jun 2015 08:24:02 -0400 (EDT)
Kamil Paral <kpa...@redhat.com> wrote:


> > Hosting git repos in phabricator
> > --------------------------------
> > 
> > Phabricator has been capable of hosting git repos for a while now,
> > the holdup has been me getting everything ready to migrate on to a
> > new setup that's capable of doing it
> > 
> >  * we have more control over the repo hosting
> >  * we have more responsibility for making sure things stay up, are
> >    recovered in the event of a system failure etc.
> >  * would likely be easier to use some of phab's automation features
> > if it controls the repos
> I'm having troubles imagining what this could include. Do you have
> some concrete ideas of such automation feature?

These bits are still marked as a beta application and I'm not sure I
understand what they're going to do eventually so this is probably not
worth considering.

> >  * ACLs for repos would be controlled in one place
> I imagine that Pagure controls access with FAS groups (or doesn't
> it?). With Phabricator, would it work similarly how projects are
> organized - the repo owner would define in repo properties the list
> of phab logins that can commit to that repo? Would it be possible to
> rely on FAS instead?

Not practically, no. If someone wrote the code to interface phabricator
with FAS it might be able to happen but AFAIK, phabricator relies on
it's own groups/acls for object access.

> >  * would require users to upload ssh keys - I don't think we can
> > (not even sure about should, if it's possible) get ssh pubkey data
> > from fas @ account creation time
> >  * any extra load from clients cloning task repos would be on our
> > infra and not causing issues for others
> I thought clients pull tasks from the buildmaster (grok mirror)?

They do. I was wondering if we would need that extra layer of
complexity if we were hosting our own repos, though.

> > A note that could be worth making is the permissions/policy
> > structure on phabricator. It can be configured to allow users to
> > create repos but in order to make that work well enough to justify
> > doing, we'd need to allow all users to edit all repos as well - I
> > don't see a more granular way of making this happen ATM. It's not
> > something that isn't fixable long term if we're not happy with the
> > "request repo for XXX from admins" process but figured I would
> > mention it.
> I think this is somewhat related to our perceived direction of
> Phabricator. If we consider our Phab instance to be just related to
> QA Devel tasks, "please create me a repo" approach is not such a big
> deal, because we're covered in most timezones and enough of us have
> admin access. And we don't need new repos that often anyway. But if
> we want to allow anybody to create any repo in Phab, that would of
> course be a bigger administration pain - more requests,
> documentation, etc. But if it should come to that, I'd rather see
> Phab hosted by Fedora Infra as an official service, than us doing
> this work for the whole Fedora project. Our main job is to create
> helpful QA tools, not to administer public services. (That of course
> doesn't mean we can't help with it.)

The only counter to this is if we wanted to host more task repos in
phabricator, especially if they aren't bits that we're responsible for.

I'm of the mind that stuff that we're not directly maintaining should
be hosted elsewhere so it may not really matter if only a few of us is
able to create new hosted repos.

> > pagure
> > ------
> > 
> > pagure is a project started in infra. pingou is the main dev and
> > it's gained quite a few new features lately. Despite the non-fp.o
> > domain, it is infra hosted.
> > 
> >  * We don't have to worry about hosting our own repos
> This is what I consider the major benefit of Pagure - decreasing the
> maintenance work for us.

I'm not sure how much it'd reduce the maintenance, to be honest. If we
continue to use phabricator for everything but repo hosting, we still
have to triage issues, build packages etc.

> >  * doing similar things to other groups - I don't think there's any
> >    interest by any other fedora groups in using phabricator unless
> >    something goes horribly wrong with pagure (I also suspect the
> > odds of that happening are pretty low).
> >  * would require users to upload ssh keys but that's once for all
> > the things that are (and eventually will be) hosted in pagure
> >  * we'd have to figure out how to handle the eventual pull requests
> >    that are out of process for us - the same thing kinda exists with
> >    bitbucket but I suspect it'll get more common as things progress.
> I imagine we could replace that Pull Request tab with documentation
> how to send a pull request into Phab. It is possible to create the
> diff without installing arcanist and other tools, it's just a matter
> of showing people how. And all you need is a FAS account, which is
> also needed in Pagure. So I think if we provide good description of
> the steps, people should not be discouraged by it. What do you think?

If you mean replace the pull request tab for the projects that we would
have in Pagure, I'm not sure it would be so simple. I haven't looked at
the code, so I could be wrong but if we hosted our code in pagure, we'd
have to deal with forking and pull requests.

Not that this is a bad thing by definition. We've gotten some fixes via
pull request (some of which are languishing in "accepted and forgotten
land") and from what I can tell, folks outside of the core people aren't
all that keen on learning how to submit stuff using phab. This gets us
back to the question of whether or not we want to worry about the
drive-by patching that we'd get with a more github-ish workflow.

I'm kinda leaning towards moving the repo hosting to phabricator and if
we want to enable other workflows, we can set up a mirror on


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