> > == Namespace structure ==
> >
> > We'll be providing some top-level namespaces (list not yet final):
> >     * app
> >     * fedoraqa
> >     * package
> >     * scratch (?)
> >
> > These will the further split to facilitate for a finer level of
> > granularity, e.g.:
> >
> >     app
> >         testdays
> >             powermanagement
> >                 pm-suspendr
> >     fedoraqa
> >         depcheck
> >         rpmgrill
> >     package
> >         <pkgname>
> >             unit
> >             func

I'm not sure if "func" and "unit" were meant as mandatory in the original 
proposal, but I'd drop them. Let each package maintainer organize their tests 
however they see it logical/useful. I don't see any benefit this separation 
would bring for us. Is there?

> My thought on namespaces would be something like:
> high level:
> team
> user
> package
> release
> test (or dev)

I like test/dev/scratch. I realized it could be useful for experimentation, we 
could for example omit sending fedmsgs for these namespaces, and prune these 
results in resultsdb more often, and yet people would be able to run something 
in an experimental mode including seeing results in resultsdb. (Of course for 
basic task development, we should recommend disabling resultsdb submission).

> team and user are self explanatory; each package would be in the package
> namespace,
> release would cover release-validation testing, 

I'm not sure about "release", I see the same problem as with "app", it's hard 
to decide what goes in there and what goes into "team.qa" or elsewhere.

> and test would be reserved
> for taskotron
> unit/self testing.

Ah, I understood test/dev differently.  For taskotron testing, we run staging 
and development instance with separate resultsdb instances. So I guess a 
namespace for this purpose is not needed. 

> I'm thinking that we could do, for example:
> team.qa.testdays.<test-name>
> or
> team.desktop.func.<some-test>
> or
> release.validation.openqa
> Am I on the right track here, or just wandering in the weeds?
> John.

That's how I imagine it. In the beginning, it might be a wild west, but once we 
have some permission model in place, I'd like to pre-define just a very small 
skeleton of top-level namespace prefixes (pkg.<pkgname>, team.<teamname>, 
user.<fasname>, etc) and let people do whatever they like with it.

Thanks for feedback, pirate.
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