
we have deployed task result namespaces support a while ago and put
our checks (depcheck, upgradepath, rpmlint) into the 'qa' namespace.
With newly added tasks like task-abicheck and task-dockerautotest,
we weren't sure where to put them and so we used the scratch
namespace which is supposed to be used for testing purposes. Now
with those "3rd party" tasks deployed to production, we need to
decide what namespaces should they and other future tasks belong in.

The starting namespaces, and maintainers of tasks belonging to that
namespace, follows:
qa.* - Fedora QA
pkgs.<pkgname>.* - <pkgname> maintainers
fas.<username>.* - <username>
fasgroup.<groupname>.* - fas members belonging to <groupname>
scratch.* - anyone

Now, since we maintain task-dockerautotest, it should go into qa.*,
I am not sure though where does task-abicheck belong. I see three
options here:
1. we can create fas group and put it there,
2. create additional dist.* namespace where tasks like abicheck
   and/or rpmgrill would be, or
3. change semantics of qa.* to 'anything Fedora QA maintains or
   important, not package-specific, tasks".

I don't really have strong feelings about either to be honest.

Thoughts? Other proposals?

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