#fedora-meeting-1: fedora-qadevel

Minutes (text): 

Meeting summary
* Roll Call  (tflink, 15:00:42)

* Announcements and Information  (tflink, 15:05:43)
  * new resultsdb* pushed to production (frontend search fixed) --
    kparal and mkrizek  (tflink, 15:05:52)
  * deployed more fixes to get rid of zombie VMs (new buildbot step to
    make sure VM is killed, more blacklisted packages for task-abicheck)
    -- kparal and mkrizek  (tflink, 15:05:52)
  * LINK: https://phab.qa.fedoraproject.org/T905   (tflink, 15:05:52)
  * fedora-gooey-karma is now under our ownership and maintenance,
    coremodule will try to port it to Bodhi 2.0 API -- kparal  (tflink,
  * LINK: https://pagure.io/fedora-qa/fedora-gooey-karma   (tflink,
  * all our taskotron servers have now fake F26 image to avoid constant
    crashes (due to F26 image being totally broken), use F25 one
    instead. The image is deployed with a 2-week future date. I'll
    continue doing so until F26 image is fixed or we get a
    release-specific task. -- kparal  (tflink, 15:05:55)
  * taskotron-stg fixed to schedule koji_build tasks -- mkrizek
    (tflink, 15:05:59)
  * LINK: https://phab.qa.fedoraproject.org/T917   (tflink, 15:06:01)

* Documentation  (tflink, 15:13:22)
  * LINK: https://qa.fedoraproject.org/docs/libtaskotron/latest/
    (tflink, 15:15:06)

* Making taskotron images public  (tflink, 15:18:12)

* Dist-Git Task Storage  (tflink, 15:27:45)

* usage of taskotron-dev  (tflink, 15:35:16)

* Open Floor  (tflink, 15:46:59)

Meeting ended at 15:48:22 UTC.

Action Items

Action Items, by person
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* tflink (91)
* kparal (35)
* roshi (11)
* zodbot (6)
* garretraziel (5)
* mkrizek (5)
* puiterwijk (2)

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