On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 4:45 AM, Ji Yan <yanji...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
>  I believe it's time to think about how should we test AOO 4.0 release. Now
> there is lots QA volunteer helping on defect confirmation and verification,
> we should move forward on feature testing, e.g. side panel, template and
> cliparts, etc...
>   I draft an overall test plan[1] in wiki. Please review and feedback with
> your suggestion. Any comments are welcome.

Hello Yan Ji,

There are many actiivities listed on the wiki page.  It might help if
we can define one or more "focus areas" for each week, and then call
for volunteers in those areas.

For example, we might say (hypothetically) that this week the focus is:

1) Verify fixes on trunk build

2) Build verification test on trunk

3) Accessibility testing in i18n branch

Then we say:  we need once volunteer on trunk BVT this week.
Accessibility experts are reviewing the branch.  And everyone else
focus on verifying fixes in trunk.

Then next week we have a different set of focus areas.  And so on.

If we can have a table, week-by-week, on what we need to focus on,
then it makes it easier to see what to work on.

This is tricky, since we don't have a good estimate for "feature
complete" or "code freeze" dates.  But we know these dates will come
eventually, and they will trigger certain test passes.

What do you think?  Would it be possible to define "focus areas" every
Monday morning, so we can coordinate on those areas?


> [1]
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+4.0+Testing+Plan
> --
> Thanks & Best Regards, Yan Ji

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