Hi, we have completed planned testing then *reject *the RC3, please see
details as following:

Summary: Reject because of these 3 issues:

Bug 123345 - [Regression]Docx embedded table display incorrectly
Bug 123346 - [Regression]the bullet display incorrectly when open docx file
in AOO
Bug 123348 - Cannot integrate AOO 4.0.0 in desktop menu in Redhat6.4 64bit

Detail result:

1. Bug(showstopper)verification and impacted area testing - Complete for
function bugs, all verified fixed or inreproducible

122885 - Cannot reproduce it in problematic build (4.0.0), thus does not
know if it is fixed in 4.0.1, add comment in Bugzilla

2. General testing for Calc, Writer, Impress on Windows, Linux and Mac -
Complete, please see details as below:

Windows: Complete

Prachi is for Writer - test on RC2 and couldn't find any bugs on Windows 7
Akriti is for Calc - test on RC2 and find 10 issues(6 confirmed, no
critical problems for showstopper) on windows 8
Dick is for Impress - test on RC1 and all seems well and no critical bugs
were found on Windows 7

Linux: Complete

Kay is for Writer - test on RC3 and no issues are found on OpenSuse 12.3
Alexandro is for Calc - test on RC3  and find issues on name range and data
validity on Mandriva Linux 2012 - Kernel 2.6.39
Edwin is for Impress - test on Rev. 1525015 and find issues mainly on
table, header and footer, hyperlink on Debian 64

Mac: Complete
Liu Ping is for Writer - failed on RC3, 2 function regression issues found
Yu Zhen is for Calc -passed on RC3 with 1 issue on data validity
Liu Ping is for Impress - passed on RC2

3. Build verification test on RC3 - Complete

Build installation on Redhat 32bit /Ubuntu 32bit /Ubuntu 64bit / Mac /
Windows 7 / Windows 8 - passed, on Redhat 64bit - failed, find 1 bad user
experience issue.
Open three apps(Calc, Writer, Impress) successfully

4. GUI PVT on RC1 compared with 4.0.0 Gold - Complete, no obvious
reproducible performance downgrade on RC3

Thanks all for your time and effort on testing, we cannot complete the
testing on time without your great support!

Yu Zhen

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