Lucien asked,

" Is that a relic from prehistoric ages ?"


E was the original exponent marker for what we would now call float values.

D was added to distinguish double from (single-precision) float.

This had nothing to do with (Visual) Basic (for Applications) originally.

To know what is recognized as a number, someone should specify the grammar for 
such constants, and then there's something to QA against.

 - Dennis

-----Original Message-----
From: Lucien Mathay <>
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2022 08:12
Subject: Re: isnumeric function

Le 23/06/22 à 16:23, Dave a écrit :
> Like Pedro, I can replicate your issue, but cannot explain it, other
> than to say it might be that the function is seeing 123D456 as a Hex
> value, which equates to Decimal 19.125.334.

the problem then is that 'A', 'B', 'C' and 'F' are not accepted

Only 'D' and 'E' are accepted :
- 'E' probably stands for Exponent, thus is should be valid character in the 
numeric string
- 'D' : something like "Decimal" ?
[orcmid] [ ... ]

- I note that msgbox ("123D-456") also returns True : 'D' seems thus to behave 
like an exponent.

Power of 10 maybe ?

- lets test msgbox("123D3")   : it prints out 123000  ;  it seems thus 
perfectly equivalent to "123E3"
Note that msgbox CDbl("123D3") does not loop but prints out 123000

Is that a relic from prehistoric ages ?


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