First: according to , 
in QBS ideology we shouldn't have output artifacts outside build dir.
When we build application, it should moved to dest using install comand. 
Just imagine (real for me) situation:
we have large project with some static libraries and end-applications.
-static_C.lib (depends on A and B)
-binary_Z.exe (depends on all static libs, uses them as input)
(In real amount is larger. About 20 libs, but they all have typical 
rules of build, so qbs configs is cute =) )

When linking wnd-apps, linker expects all static libs (not only these in 
project) in certain absolute dir. It can be made relative, but it 
obviously higher that any of used build-dirs.

I could create install command, for each of these static library, but 
when i execute "qbs build" command for end-apps, they will use the old 
".lib" files.
And if i use "qbs install" command, end-apps will be compiled BEFORE 
install commands move compiled libs to expected folder, won't they?

So, what is ideologically right way to organize easy build "in one 
click" without building libs and apps in two steps?
In november version of qbs i still can do this, but how to adopt to 

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