On 05/22/2014 11:32 AM, Kurt Keller wrote:
> I have Qt Creator 3.1.1 and Qt 5.3.0 successfully compiled and installed
> into a single folder, called qtdevenv-5.3. I can use Qt Creator with qbs
> projects - no problem.
> But how can I install qbs in a way that
> - it resides in the same install folder 'qtdevenv-5.3'
> - it does not interfere with the version from Qt Creator
> - it can be called from shell
> - it uses the same profiles (and the same build directories) as
>    Qt Creator uses.

Let me see whether I understand you correctly: You want to run the 
command-line version of qbs and use it on the same projects that you 
build in Qt Creator?

> I was not able to do that. Some reasons: If I use the bundled Qbs from
> Qt Creator 3.1.1 the Qt modules are missing and (called from the shell)
> qbs says 'Module Qt/core could not be loaded'

In qbs 1.2, the modules are per-profile. Nothing is missing.

> If I use qbs 1.1.1 (official downlod from
> https://login.qt.digia.com/downloads the dll's mismatch. (Qt Creator
> Version <> QBS Version)

Creator 3.1 has qbs 1.2.

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